"The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it"
Aneurin Bevan

Saturday 25 July 2015


It is worth listening to Peter Hennessy's Reflections interview with Nigel Lawson, the Listen Again link is here. What is immediately apparent is how arrogant Lawson is. Here is a man who's policies caused the so-called Lawson Boom that pushed up inflation and hence interest rates (to 15%! a level that seems incredulous now) and which lead to a catastrophic bust, and yet he never had a single regret and blamed everything on everyone else because in his mind he could do no wrong. In the interview Lawson said:
the idea that you go from state ownership to private ownership that had had never been tried anywhere in the world and we were the pioneers in this country and it was subsequently followed all over the world, first in the western world and subsequently in the countries that had escaped from the Soviet Union - the Soviet empire rather - and they went in for privatisation and indeed it was not only this country that gave the policy to the rest of the world but gave the word privatisation which is used in every language under the sun 
Well, thank you Nigel, we now know that not only have you screwed up this country, but the entire world! Such arrogance.

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